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K9 Instinct

Marshmallow Root Powder 100g

Marshmallow Root Powder 100g

Regular price £9.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £9.99 GBP
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This product is one of the safest most versatile herbs for dogs.

Here are some of the possibilities this natural herb may help with:

. Heal leaky gut;

. Kennel cough;

. Inflammatory bowel disease;

. constipation;

. Diarrhoea;

. Nausea & vomiting;

. Raw transition;

. Acid reflux;

. Skin problems- insect bites, burns, cuts;

. Joint problems- arthritis;

Internal dosage:- root powder: ½ tsp of dried root per lb of food, sprinkled onto food once or twice daily.

Topical solution:- Mix ground herb or powdered marshmallow root and hot water to make a paste. Let it cool until warm to the touch. Put it on the affected area and cover with soft cotton to make a poultice.

You can also put the powder or herb inside the soft cotton and tie off to make a sac. Soak it in warm water and dab it on the wound until it cools.

Also been known as

Diuretic - increases the flow of urine to help remove water and salt from the body;

Antimicrobial - destroys and inhibits the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Anti-inflammatory - reduces redness, swelling and itching associated with inflammation;

Expectorant - helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract;

Hypoglycemic - lowers blood sugar;

Immunostimulant - increases the immune system’s ability to fight disease.

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